Wake Up To WAKIX
Hero name Tara
In adults with narcolepsy, WAKIX is a once-daily medication approved to treat
the two most common symptoms: EDS and cataplexy1,2

Based on a US retrospective cohort study of insured patients…

The number of people under medical care for narcolepsy begins to peak at 18 to 24 years of age3,*

*This study was conducted to estimate the prevalence of narcolepsy in a US insured population of more than 60 million participants between 2013 and 2016.

    For your patients like TaraWhy WAKIX?

  • Not a controlled substance
  • Not a stimulant
  • No clinically important PK interactions with modafinil or sodium oxybate
  • Strong recommendation for the treatment of narcolepsy in adults in the AASM Clinical Practice Guideline (clinically significant improvement in EDS and cataplexy)4
  • AASM, American Academy of Sleep Medicine; EDS, excessive daytime sleepiness; PK, pharmacokinetic.

    Clinical practice guideline on the treatment of central disorders of hypersomnolence, published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine.

Review Real WAKIX Patient Cases From Experienced Clinicians

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26-year-old student with narcolepsy type 1

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22-year-old college student with narcolepsy type 2

Owen real WAKIX patient caseOwen real WAKIX patient case


23-year-old pharmacy student with narcolepsy type 1

Abby real WAKIX patient caseAbby real WAKIX patient case


24-year-old computer programmer with narcolepsy type 1

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patient case studies »
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  1. American Academy of Sleep Medicine. International Classification of Sleep Disorders. 3rd ed. Text Revision. American Academy of Sleep Medicine; 2023.
  2. Ahmed I, Thorpy M. Clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of narcolepsy. Clin Chest Med. 2010;31(2):371-381.
  3. Acquavella J, Mehra R, Bron M, Suomi JM, Hess GP. Prevalence of narcolepsy and other sleep disorders and frequency of diagnostic tests from 2013-2016 in insured patients actively seeking care. J Clin Sleep Med. 2020;16(8):1255-1263.
  4. Maski K, Trotti LM, Kotagal S, et al. Treatment of central disorders of hypersomnolence: an American Academy of Sleep Medicine clinical practice guideline. J Clin Sleep Med. 2021;17(9):1881-1893.